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Probiotics are living microorganisms such as bacteria and yeasts needed in the healthy operation of our digestive and immune systems. The average human body has up to 1kg of these beneficial bacteria in the gut, and there are 7-10 times as many bacteria in your body as there are human cells.
Bacteria are responsible for processing and extracting nutrition and energy from food and assisting your body to create its vitamins and natural antibiotics. They are responsible for up to 80% of your body’s immunity and for fighting off infections and preventing the build-up of germs (disease-causing bacteria).
100 years ago, we didn’t have such a need to supplement our good bacteria – we acquired all that we needed from food, water, and the natural environment.Much has changed in today’s modern world. Fertilisers and herbicides have been shown to destroy the natural bacteria in soils. While helping to fend off infections from destructive bacteria, antibiotics have created other deficiencies in the healthy, good bacteria in people and livestock. As a result, we have experienced an explosion of human health problems that didn’t exist before, such as Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS), Crohn’s, Celiac, constipation…and many others, now attributed to bacterial imbalances.
Since the mid-1990s, clinical studies have shown probiotic supplementation to be highly beneficial in supporting the body to address multiple gastrointestinal diseases, delay the development of allergies in children, and treat or prevent vaginal and urinary infections in women.
When it comes to probiotics supplements, there are two main types; solid, freeze-dried (capsules), and live fermented liquid probiotics.
Freeze-Dried Probiotics
The majority of probiotic supplements are freeze-dried after being grown individually in a laboratory and multiplied into billions of “Colony Forming Units” or CFUs. They are then packaged into capsules, crushed and compressed into tablets, or bottled as a powder.
This freeze-drying process allows for an extended shelf but simultaneously leaves the bacteria weak and lacking developed strengthened survival mechanisms. The lowered resilience of these bacteria accounts for high die-off rates before they even reach the gut, with many of them failing to activate before they have passed through your system.
Live Fermented Liquid Probiotics:
With fermented, liquid probiotics, a broad group of beneficial bacteria is grown together in real-world conditions. They are given a food source and learn to survive together. While they are growing, they are adapting and forming into a super army. The weak ones are dying out as they fight off the harmful bacteria, and the stronger ones are working together to keep each other alive.
At the end of the fermentation cycle, you have a group of highly resilient bacteria that have not only adapted to real-world conditions but they have also created an environment that is good for them to survive in! When live fermented liquid probiotics enter the body, they go to work immediately, recruiting other healthy bacteria while fighting off the harmful and destructive strains that may be damaging your system.
The Rawbiotics product range is live, non-freeze-dried, liquid probiotics. We do not add preservatives, sweeteners, or flavourings to our products and maintain all of the natural benefits of healthy bacteria.
Our dedicated team has spent over 15 years developing a streamlined process to harness all of the natural goodness that the gut needs to maintain a healthy microbiome.
Our technicians ferment the base culture in a controlled environment for 21 days. They carefully monitor temperature, sugar, and pH levels, which helps to build a superior product that is stable for more than two years once bottled.
The final fermented probiotic liquid has tremendous advantages over Kombucha, Kefir, or other fermented liquid probiotics currently found on the market.With 12 strains and multiple classes of live bacteria, Rawbiotics products are vegan friendly, gluten and lactose-free, and safe for people with diabetes.
All Rawbiotics products contain the same 12 strains and strength of probiotic bacteria. The difference is the herbs added during the fermentation process to create subtly unique products that cater to specific customer needs.
Rawbiotics DAILY Balance:
Rawbiotics Daily Balance is a daily probiotic that provides the natural bacteria needed for optimum health.
This is your preventative and maintenance product, all in one, to ensure that you create the best environment for optimised gut function that helps guard against future issues.
Rawbiotics Daily Balance contains a selection of herbal extracts that help support immunity, energy, and general health.
Rawbiotics GUT Balance:
A probiotic blend that helps boost your body to restore the natural balance to your gastrointestinal tract.
Restoring the gut's natural microbiome will correct imbalances that could lead to digestive disorders such as IBS, bloating, acid reflux, diarrhoea, and constipation.
Rawbiotics GUT Restore contains a selection of herbal extracts that work with probiotic strains to address the cause of digestive issues and restore a long-term healthy balance.
Rawbiotics KIDS Balance:
Rawbiotics Kids Balance is a daily probiotic that provides the natural bacteria needed for healthy, growing children.
These essential bacteria improve the body’s ability to use nutrition, assist with healthy growth, and increase the body’s ability to create natural vitamins and immunity.
Rawbiotics KIDS Balance includes a selection of herbal extracts specially chosen for children that work with live probiotics to form a foundation for good health and growth.
Very seldom. Occasionally the body may start to detox and get rid of chemicals that have been in your system, resulting in mild diarrhoea, bloating, or gas. If this occurs too suddenly, just cut down the quantity and increase slowly until the body is comfortable with it. Any side effects experienced will be as a result of the detox action of the beneficial bacteria. This is a good thing as it shows the body is cleansing itself.
Everyone has a different ratio of microbes in their digestive tract. Our products contain antioxidants in large numbers, as well as very active beneficial bacteria. Individuals with sensitive immune/digestive systems MUST start on lower dosages: for adults: 1 tablespoon (15ml) per day, and for children under the age of two, one teaspoon (5ml) per day. After a month, one can start slowly increasing the dosage.
Rawbiotics can be taken at any time. With or without meals, morning or evening.
Rawbiotics efficacy and results are not, as many people believe, due to the number of microbes present in the product but, instead, the number of microbial species working together in harmony. Although lactic acid bacteria are the most predominant bacteria in the GI tract, they cannot establish themselves without the natural symbioses they share with other types of microbes.
In the natural world, various classes of bacteria rely upon each other for growth and stability, as can be seen by the diversity of microbial life in soils and plants.
Unlike most probiotic products, which contain freeze-dried strains of just one or two species of microbes, Rawbiotics closely mirrors the natural range of microbes found in our soils and food. It is the combination of these species that makes Rawbiotics unique and accounts for its efficacy and success.
Yes, you can.
The gastrointestinal tract’s healthy function relies on the presence of beneficial bacteria to aid in digestion, correct pH balance (acidity), the processing of nutrients, and the prevention of the build-up of harmful bacteria. These beneficial bacteria are almost completely killed off with antibiotics, and the toxins in most medical drugs, compromising the immune system.
Supplementing Rawbiotics probiotics does not conflict with medicine but instead helps to protect the body from harmful toxins.
Yes – This will depend on the age of the baby. Newborn babies, a couple of drops. Increase with age to a half teaspoon and then to 5ml. Use Rawbiotics KIDS specially formulated for babies and children and follow the directions on the bottle.
Yes, use as a substitute in the same dosage as the recommended pharmaceutical products.
While you should always check with your health care provider, Rawbiotics products are 100% natural and safe to take. Many women have found Rawbiotics to be beneficial in addressing symptoms of acid reflux and digestive issues experienced during pregnancy.
Yes, Rawbiotics are suitable for vegetarians and vegans. No animal-derived products are used in the culturing or production of our products.
Yes, Rawbiotics is suitable for people with diabetes.
The live bacteria require molasses as a food source during the fermentation process. By the time the product has fermented, there is very little sugar remaining.
Lab tests indicate:
Carbohydrates: Less than 1g/ 100ml
Of which total sugar: Less than 0.1g/ 100ml
The white flakes are natural yeast that forms when the product is exposed to oxygen (in other words, once the seal is broken). Do not shake the bottle, as it is common for the white flakes to be there.
Rawbiotics products should not be shaken as the product is a “live” microbial in suspension and does not need mixing, stirring, nor shaking.
No, it is a “live” microbial product. The microbes go dormant if refrigerated. Store at room temperature out of direct sunlight.
The product has a 2-year shelf life unopened and 6-8-week shelf life once the bottle has been opened.